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003 Count The Stars in The Sky

[3 mins reading time]


Koan: Kei Sho Ko [Count-Stars-Sky]

The fire ants were moving, they were aligned,
Biting and laughing they leapt aboard, jumping from the levee grass,
To burn and blister feet and limbs, and soon out in the swamp,
On the rising waters of the bayou, water switched to save,
Each refinery and factory, acrid on the Mississippi River,
The ants had seen this before, so formed up a treadmill,
The colony became a ball, their turning planet brought up ants for air.

Jules Pretty

[Kei Sho Ko]


Commentary on Kei Sho Ko [Count-Stars-Sky]

Sometimes it seems impossible to find the words to bring together people with distant starting points. The passage of time and place has had no heft.

This koan suggests counting stars, for this will cause time to go on expanding. It will let the world catch up, expand the grain. Go towards the sign that has been put up: no trespassing. What we can share is this: beauty in common things, in nature all around. Counting stars between the children’s toes is another route out the pain of imprisonment.

The inconceivable could happen. You might see a ball of fire ants spinning to escape the flood.

There it is. Another star.

And this counting, at the very least we can do this together.

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